ostlicht filmproduktion GmbH
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Dienstag, 01. November 2022 |
BIGMAN gewinnt
BIGMAN - der berührende Film von Regisseur Camiel Schouwenaar hat beim SCHLiNGEL IFF den Preis für den besten europäischen Kinderfilm der Sächsischen Kunstministerin gewonnen! Ausgezeichnet wurde die niederländische-deutsche Koproduktion von Sachsens Kultusministerin Barbara Klepsch am Abend des 15.Oktober 2022 auf dem 27. Schlingel Filmfestival in Chemnitz.
In der Begründung der Europäischen Kinderjury heißt es: The winning film convinced us with an exciting, but also dramatic story. It is a story that completely thrilled and captivated us from the very beginning. It should be a motivation for young people to always look for new ways. Even if it seems hopeless. We should never lose sight of our goals. Give hope no matter what happens in life. If we believe in ourselves, we can move mountains. Through the authentic acting of the young leading actor, but also sadness and compassion have transferred to us. He is an inspiration for many people with physical handicap. For his family, friends and sports passion, he never gave up the fight. With his creativity and strong will, he created a very special way of kicking. There was no perfect ending, but it felt just right for us! So we award the "European Children's Film Award of the Saxon Minister of Arts" to the film BIGMAN.