ostlicht filmproduktion GmbH
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Dienstag, 22. November 2022 |
BIGMAN gewinnt erneut!
den ECFA Feature Award in Brüssel.
BIGMAN gewinnt zwei Preise beim 16. Internationalen Kinderfilmfestival Filem'on in Brüssel! Neben dem Preis für den besten ECFA Feature Film gewann das berührende Drama den Kinder Award NL. Die internationale Jury begründete dies folgendermaßen: "The great achievement of the film is to tell the story completely through the gaze of the protagonist, no need of side stories, no grown-ups with their invading presence. It is full of energy, it is a story of resilience, about how we can bravely face challenges in our life. It doesn't tell the problems through words but through actions, cinematography and the wonderful acting of the cast. Like a circle the film starts and ends with water, a symbol of life and change, catches our attention and creates emotions but refuses cliches and easy solutions." - ECFA jury