ostlicht filmproduktion GmbH
Ackerwand 23
99423 Weimar
Telefon +49 (0) 3643 877 455-5
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Tuesday, 09. December 2014 |
Axel the Hero (WT)First day of shooting
Today we started shooting AXEL THE HERO (WT) in Brandenburg. The shooting will be continued in Saxony-Anhalt. Director Hendrik Hölzemann debuted with the highly acclaimed feature KAMMERFLIMMERN starring Matthias Schweighöfer and Jessica Schwarz. DoP Lars Liebold has worked with with Hölzemann...
Tuesday, 12. August 2014 |
Claritta Kratochwil
Mission Sputnik in Denmarkat Buster Filmfestival in Kobenhavn
The Buster Filmfestival in Kobenhavn, Denmark takes place from September 12 to 28, 2014. And MISSION SPUTNIK is there! The audience will have the chance to see the film in four different screenings. We are curious, how they like it! More info about the festival here.
Mehr Infos zum Festival: Festival-Information
Thursday, 28. August 2014 |
South Korea - here we come!Our Sputnik flies to SEOUL
The SEOUL INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FILM FESTIVAL takes place in Seoul from August 21 to 28, 2014. We are excited, that MISSION SPUTNIK is part of that.
The film screens in the section KID'S EYE and this will be the Asian Premiere.
To learn more about the festival, please click here.
Friday, 04. July 2014 |
Special Mentionfor Mission Sputnik at the Festival des deutschen Films!
We are very happy about a Special Mention of the Childrens Jury for MISSION SPUTNIK at the Festival des deutschen Films!
The Childrens Jury liked, that the film puts a spotlight on the GDR and the Fall of the Wall. And: "it was so funny, that the children believed, they had beamed away the...
Thursday, 22. May 2014 |
This is ThuringiaImagefilm wins the Golden "Prix Victoria" in Vienna
Our imagefilm THIS IS THURINGIA has won the "Prix Victoria" in Gold at the 26. International Bussinessfilmdays in Vienna. The prize was awarded in the cateogory "Films for Trade Fairs, Events, Meeting Openers" and competed, amongst others, with applications by Porsche AG and...
Sunday, 13. April 2014 |
Philine Zebralla
Für Elisewins in Italy
At the 5th Vittorio Veneto Film Festival in Italy, the international film festival for children and young people, FÜR ELISE has won in the category VISENTIN (young adults 18-25 years)! Find out more about the festival here.
Tuesday, 08. April 2014 |
Philine Zebralla
Mission Sputnikin Stockholm
MISSION SPUTNIK runs at the Stockholm Film Festival Junior, a festival for children and young adults from 6 to 19 years, in the category Junior (6-10 years). The Stockholm Film Festival is one of the leading film festivals in Europe. It screens about 170 films from more than 40 countries every...